Abilities Richmond, INC has received a portion of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration's Direct Service Workforce Investment Grant. As such, Abilities Richmond, INC will receive funding in three payments (expected in January 2023, Spring 2023, and Summer 2023). These three payments will amount to a $205,000 grant received.
Abilities Richmond, IN plans to distribute 95% of funds received through the Direct Services Workforce Investment Grant to our direct care staff, Direct Support Professionals, through the way of bonuses, wage increases, Benefits, training and team building activities. Each employee received a $1,000 bonus after the first distribution. Employees who have performed above average received hourly raises. Team building consists of group art classes, spirit days, and dinners. Staff are also provided with multiple items of Abilities Richmond, INC apparel.
Abilities Richmond wants to thank those who support our programs and our mission. Your contributions are invaluable to our business and the individuals that we serve.